
Best Quality ity

Each and every item at Replica Handbags Shopping goes through a stringent procurement and Best Quality ation process by our in-house experts. We are a Hong Kong registered company and we do not tolerate counterfeit items. All our merchandise is guaranteed 100% Best Quality or your money back


All orders are charged in USD. You have the option to convert and display prices in a different currency for reference, but orders are still charged in USD at checkout. We accept bank wire transfers if you wish to pay in a different currency. 

Returns and Exchanges

At this time, we do not accept any returns or exchanges - all sales are final. In the unlikely occasion that an item is proven to be inBest Quality , please reach out to us immediately. 

Shipping and Processing

For shipping information, kindly refer to the Shipping Page


Replica Handbags Shopping strives to maintain a high standard in selecting our items and great accuracy in describing their conditions. For any notable flaws and defects, please refer to the product descriptions and hover over the photos to zoom in for details. See below for an overview of our condition grading scale.

  • New - Item was kept unused and unworn. It may show faint signs of wear due to storage conditions.
  • Pristine - Item appears immaculate. It may show very little signs of wear from 1-2 times use and storage conditions.
  • Excellent - Item was gently used and shows minimal signs of wear, such as minor creases and scuffs, and hairline scratches on the hardware.
  • Very Good - Item shows some signs of previous use, but was well-cared for. It may show light to moderate creases, scuffs, scratches, discolourations, and softened leather. 
  • Good - Item shows noticeable signs of wear in the interior and on the exterior. It may show visible scratches, scuffed edges, softened leather, creases, and stains.
  • Fair - Item shows heavy signs of prior use. It may contain major flaws that affect the item’s appearance.
Layaway Payment Plans

Layaway Payment Plans are eligible for all items over $2000. Click here for more details. 


To make our sourcing process more seamless, we have now created a sourcing form for you to submit your request 


We only accept local consignments in Hong Kong at this time. Please contact us for any consignment inquiries.